The Ripple Effect!

Feb 20, 2020
The ▪︎°RIPPLE EFFECT°▪︎ is real, and something I'm VERY passionate about!
It has been incredibly heartwarming for me to hear how my Holistic Digestive Intensive attendees have gone away, 'digested' all the information offered, and started implementing changes - both within and for themselves, and also for their tribe.
I'm obsessed with how education encourages positive change in people and communities and this can only occur when a different way of thinking, doing and BEing is offered!Intention moves to action ♡
And as a tribe embraces a new idea, a new dynamic, this sets into motion a whole host of cascading ripple effects °••°•°••°•°Creating a new path forward, a new way of being, a growing sense of common purpose, unification as a collective wanting the best for health and wellness... and the capacity for change expands and deepens exponentially!
As one person I cannot change the world... But know I can change the world of another!!!
As Nelson Mandela so wisely said
"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world"