The Ripple Effect! Feb 20, 2020
The °RIPPLE EFFECT° is real, and something I'm VERY passionate about!
It has been...
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The oral contraceptive pill Feb 11, 2020
Introduced in May 1950, the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) was hailed as a transformational...
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What does Holistic mean? Jan 31, 2020
The word “holistic comes from the Greek word holos, meaning ‘entire’ or...
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Organic foods vs pesticides for long-term health outcomes? Jan 26, 2020
Despite MANY suggestive observational epidemiology and laboratory studies, there is limited...
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What effects does alcohol have on your microbiome? Jan 22, 2020
A recent report from the not-for-profit Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education indicated...
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I like to use language respectfully and inclusively. I am still a student of this

I acknowledge and respect the diversity of bodies, genders and relationships, and celebrate people expressing their gender, sexuality, creativity and spirituality in different ways.

I do my best to offer inclusive language to acknowledge the diversity of people I work with, connect to, and serve. 

LGBTIQ terminology is diverse and constantly evolving.

Please let me know if I can do better in this area.

Often in my articles I may mention sex that is determined by chromosomes. I know that gender is a social construct that can vary between time periods, generations and cultures, existing on a spectrum, both historically and by modern scientific consensus.